Everyone suffers from a degree of stress whether is personal or professional - it does not matter what stresses you out as different people are impacted by different things.
Many of us are faced with stress every day and we may not know how to deal with it. It is important to learn how to handle stress as it can affect our performance and relationships at work and at home.
Work stress can lead to loss of focus which may cause an unfortunate accident. At home, stress can put a strain on family relationships.
Stress can occur not only from negative life experiences but also from positive ones. Common stress symptoms include upset stomach, fatigue, tight neck muscles, irritability and headaches. Stress may also make you more susceptible to illness.
The first step to managing stress is to identify your "stressors"; those things that are making you react i.e. not enough time, unexpected change, family problems, extra responsibility, personality clashes, and money difficulties to name a few.
All of us have to deal with life's problems. A key to dealing with big or little everyday stressors is accept stress in a positive and healthy way.
Think about the situations in your life that cause you stress. Are they important or unimportant?
Are they controllable or uncontrollable? If they are controllable events, act to change the situation; if they are uncontrollable, use your skills in acceptance, attitude and perspective to reduce the stress.